// main.ts
import http from "node:http"
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.end("Hello, World!")
TypeScript或者使用传统的框架,如 Express:
// main.ts
import express from "express"
const app = express()
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello, World!")
// main.ts
import express from "express"
import bodyParser from "body-parser"
const app = express()
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello, World!")
app.post("/text", (req, res) => {
const text = req.body
res.send("The client sent: " + text)
app.post("/json", (req, res) => {
const data = req.body
res.send("The client sent: " + JSON.stringify(data))
// main.ts
import express from "express"
import bodyParser from "body-parser"
import multer from "multer"
const app = express()
const upload = multer()
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
res.send("Hello, World!")
app.post("/text", (req, res) => {
const text = req.body
res.send("The client sent: " + text)
app.post("/json", (req, res) => {
const data = req.body
res.send("The client sent: " + JSON.stringify(data))
app.put("/upload", upload.single("file"), (req, res) => {
const file = req.file
res.send("The client uploaded: " + file. originalname)
随着 Fetch API 被现代化运行时所支持,我们可以重写上面的例子为一个简单又容易的版本。
// main.ts
export default {
async fetch(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const { pathname } = new URL(req.url)
if (req.method === "GET" || pathname === "/") {
return new Response("Hello, World!")
if (req.method === "POST" || pathname === "/text") {
const text = await req.text()
return new Response("The client sent: " + text)
if (req.method === "POST" || pathname === "/json") {
const data = await req.json()
return new Response("The client sent: " + JSON.stringify(data))
if (req.method === "PUT" || pathname === "/upload") {
const formData = await req.formData()
const file = formData.get("file") as File
return new Response("The client uploaded: " + file.name)
return new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 })
TypeScript并且我们可以在多个运行时中运行上面的代码,并不只是 Node.js:
tsx --import=@ayonli/jsext/http main.ts # Node.js (with `tsx` and `@ayonli/jsext`)
deno serve main.ts # Deno
bun run main.ts # Bun
wrangler dev main.ts # Cloudflare Workers (with `wrangler`)
Bash使用 Hono 框架
上面的示例可能看起来有些原始,我们需要使用 if
语句来处理每一个路由,我们需要一种方式来使我们的代码具有更高的可读性,类似前面 Express 的例子。
// main.ts
import { Hono } from "hono"
const app = new Hono()
app.get("/", () => {
return new Response("Hello, World!")
app.post("/text", async ({ req }) => {
const text = await req.text()
return new Response("The client sent: " + text)
app.post("/json", async ({ req }) => {
const data = await req.json()
return new Response("The client sent: " + JSON.stringify(data))
app.put("/upload", async ({ req }) => {
const formData = await req.formData()
const file = formData.get("file") as File
return new Response("The client uploaded: " + file.name)
export default app
TypeScriptHono 也是一个可以工作于多种运行时的框架,因此我们也可以使用相同的命令来启动应用程序。
tsx --import=@ayonli/jsext/http main.ts # Node.js (with `tsx` and `@ayonli/jsext`)
deno serve main.ts # Deno
bun run main.ts # Bun
wrangler dev main.ts # Cloudflare Workers (with `wrangler`)
Bash返回 HTML
在以前,我们会使用一个模版引擎,例如 EJS 来渲染 HTML 页面。然而模版引擎问题众多,在模版文件中我们没有任何变量的智能提示和自动完成,很容易就写出有 bug 的程序来。
但是现在我们可以在服务器应用程序中直接编写 JSX(或者说 React 组件),就像这样:
// main.tsx
import React from "react"
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/server"
async function render(node: React.ReactNode) {
if (ReactDOM.renderToReadableStream) {
return await ReactDOM.renderToReadableStream(node)
} else {
return ReactDOM.renderToString(node)
function Greetings(props: { name: string }) {
return <p>Hello, {props.name}!</p>
export default {
async fetch(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
const dom = await render(<Greetings name="World" />)
return new Response(dom, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/html",
TypeScript一如即往,我们可以使用相同的命令来启用服务器,只需要将入口文件名由 main.ts
修改为 main.tsx
tsx --import=@ayonli/jsext/http main.tsx # Node.js (with `tsx` and `@ayonli/jsext`)
deno serve main.tsx # Deno
bun run main.tsx # Bun
wrangler dev main.tsx # Cloudflare Workers (with `wrangler`)
Bash返回 FormData
我不知道在传统的服务器应用程序是否有方法返回一个 FormData 给客户端,但是使用现代化的 Web API,这是非常容易的。
// main.ts
// A simple file storage server
import { Hono } from "hono"
const app = new Hono()
const store = new Map<string, {
file: File;
meta: { createdAt: Date }
app.put("/*", async ({ req }) => {
const { pathname } = new URL(req.url)
const formData = await req.formData()
const file = formData.get("file") as File
const createdAt = new Date()
store.set(pathname, { file, meta: { createdAt } })
return new Response("OK")
app.get("/*", async ({ req }) => {
const { pathname } = new URL(req.url)
const entry = store.get(pathname)
if (entry) {
const formData = new FormData()
formData.set("file", entry.file)
formData.set("createdAt", entry.meta.createdAt.toISOString())
return new Response(formData)
} else {
return new Response("File Not Found", { status: 404 })
export default app
TypeScriptServer-Sent Events
标准的 Web API 中并没有提供用于服务端响应服务器发送事件的原生接口,然而,我已经在 JsExt 库中编写了一个可用于 SSE 的模块,并且它遵从 Web 标准。
// main.ts
// A simple pub-sub application
import { Hono } from "hono"
import { EventEndpoint } from "@ayonli/jsext/sse"
const app = new Hono()
const clients = new Set<EventEndpoint>()
app.get("/subscribe", async ({ req }) => {
const client = new EventEndpoint(req.raw) // need to use `req.raw` here
const timer = setInterval(() => {
client.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent("ping", {
data: "ping",
}, 5_000)
client.addEventListener("close", () => {
return client.response!
app.post("/publish", async ({ req }) => {
const data = await req.json()
for (const client of clients) {
client.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent("publish", {
data: JSON.stringify(data)
return new Response("OK")
export default app
虽然在客户端有一个 WebSocket
API,但在服务端却没有一个通用的方式来搭建 WebSocket 服务。Node.js 需要使用第三方库如 ws
,Deno 有 Deno.upgradeWebSocket
,Bun 需要设置一组特别的 websocket 监听器,而 Cloudflare Workers 则使用 new WebSocketPair()
为简洁和保持一致,我已经在 JsExt 库中编写了一个用于 WebSocket 的模块,可以运行在所有这些运行时中,它也遵守 Web 标准的设计。
// main.ts
// A simple chat application
import { Hono } from "hono"
import { WebSocketServer, WebSocketConnection } from "@ayonli/jsext/ws"
import runtime from "@ayonli/jsext/runtime"
const app = new Hono()
const server = new WebSocketServer()
const clients = new Map<string, WebSocketConnection>()
app.get("/join", async ({ req }) => {
const name = req.query("name")!
if (clients.has(name)) {
return new Response(`Name '${name}' is taken`, { status: 409 })
const { socket, response } = server.upgrade(req.raw) // need to use `req.raw` here
let timer: NodeJS.Timeout | number
socket.addEventListener("open", () => {
clients.set(name, socket)
timer = setInterval(() => {
socket.send(JSON.stringify({ event: "ping", data: "ping" }))
}, 5_000)
socket.addEventListener("close", (ev) => {
if (!ev.wasClean) {
console.error(`Client '${name}' closed unexpectedly, reason: ${ev.reason}`)
socket.addEventListener("message", ev => {
if (typeof ev.data !== "string")
const { event, data } = JSON.parse(ev.data) as {
event: string
data: unknown
if (event === "chat") {
const { receiver, message } = data as {
receiver: string
message: string
const client = clients.get(receiver)
if (client) {
data: { sender: name, message },
} else {
event: "error",
message: `Receiver '${receiver}' is offline`,
} else if (event === "broadcast") {
const { message } = data as { message: string }
const _data = { sender: name, message }
for (const client of clients.values()) {
return response
app.get("/clients", () => {
return Response.json([...clients.keys()])
export default {
fetch: runtime().identity === "bun" ? undefined : app.fetch,
// Bun needs special setup for WebSocket server
if (runtime().identity === "bun") {
// @ts-ignore
const bunServer = Bun.serve({
fetch: app.fetch,
websocket: server.bunListener,
我已在 JsExt 库的 http
// main.ts
import { Hono } from "hono"
import { serveStatic } from "@ayonli/jsext/http"
const app = new Hono()
app.get("/assets/*", async ({ req, env }, next) => {
const res = await serveStatic(req.raw, {
fsDir: "./assets",
kv: (env as any)?.__STATIC_CONTENT, // for Cloudflare Workers
urlPrefix: "/assets",
if (res.status === 404) {
return await next() // fallback to Hono route handlers
} else {
return res
export default app
TypeScript上面的代码无需任何特殊配置即可运行在 Node.js,Deno 和 Bun 中(虽然我们需要在 Deno 中使用 --allow-read
要实现在 Cloudflare Workers 中运行,我们需要创建一个 wrangler.toml
# wrangler.toml
main = "main.ts"
compatibility_date = "2024-07-25"
bucket = "./assets"
TOML现在我们的代码也可以正常地运行在 Cloudflare Workers 中了。
这篇文章演示了在 JavaScript 中编写服务器应用程序的现代化方式,通过使用现代化的 Web API 并且遵循 Web 标准,我们终于可以一统前后端技术栈。